
Posted by Pomegranate's on 05.14
What is ambiguity?
Ambiguity is a word , phrase, or statement which contains more than one meaning. 
There are two types of Ambiguity preface from Kent Bach  ;
1. lexical ambiguity
lexical ambiguity is far the more common problem. Lexical ambiguity occurs when a word, phrase or sentence has more than one basic structure.It is also call as a semantic ambiguity.example, the adjective light ; - not dark or not heavy.
ambiguity also can change the category of speech. 
for example, can (a container of  food – noun vs. to be able to – verb). 
2.Structural ambiguity
Structural ambiguity is the another common problem. it is occurs when a phrase or sentence has more than one underlying structure or it can be represented in two structurally different ways. it is also as a grammatical ambiguity.
 example,"Tibetan history teacher" it can be '[Tibetan history] teacher'
 or it can  'Tibetan [history teacher]'.
another example; visiting professor may be useful.
a.To visit professor is useful , or
b.Professor who visit in university are useful.
Dalam kajian bahasa Indonesia,ada satu perbedaan jenis dari ambigu yaitu;
1.Ambiguitas Fonetik(phonetics ambiguity)
Adalah keambiguan yang terjadi akibat dari kemiripin pembunyian atau pengucapan subuah kata atau kalimat. pada dasarnya hal ini mungkin saja terjadi dalam lexical ambiguity dan structural ambiguity. karena ini dapat terjadi dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
contohnya ; Dia datang memberi tahu.
(a) apakah dia datang memberi tahu{terbuat dari kacang kedelai},

(b) apakah dia datang untuk memberi tahu{informasi}.

kesimpulan :                                                                                                                                   
Jadi ,ambigu adalah kata atau frasa yang memiliki makna ganda atau arti yang lebih dari satu. Ambigu dapat terjadi karena perbedaan cara pengucapan, dan dapat juga terjadi secara kontekstual atau secara tulisan. Untuk menghindari terjadinya situasi yang ambigu ini , sebaiknya menggunakan kata-kata yang jelas konteks maupun tujuannya saat kita berbicara, dalam hal tulisan sebaiknya unsur tanda baca dan peletakannya lebih diperjelas lagi..




Beside 'tahu' can you give another example for phonetics ambiguity?

Can you give me a simple explanation about structural ambiguity example's "tibetan history teacher" please 😆 Thank you...

Make a tidy paragraph sist... Thank you

Good. Make your blog more interesting

it is a good blog sist.

Great article and Elegant blog :)

nice article ;)but make your blog more interesting

Good for you explain,but please check your font

In your opinion, how to avoid ambiguous conversation?

i like this blog girl, cause u combine explain to kind of language indo and english to more comprehension...!! and last week u present very good to all explain.....

nice article kak,but please give a conclution ...thanks...

Simple and Elegant, Like a boss, i like your blog.

Nice blog sist😊

Other example's ;
*ice cream- I scream
I hope you more can see the phonlogycal ambiguty it's ^-^

Ok riwa, I will repeat that's.
Tibetean as a subject(org tibet)
That's can be multiple meaning;
1.Tibetan-history teacher=the tibetan have a history about teacher.
2.Tibetan history-teacher= the teacher have a history about tibetan.
I think that's can clear up about my example. However thank for your question riwa ^-^

Thank for your suggestion kenny,I will ^-^

To avoid ambiguos is like easy but not. So I think when we on some conversation,make clear the topics about,it's good if we are not used a resemblance words. Exepted when you have conversation with your partner,just talking with your Hearts.^~^

I have it putri, but in indonesian ^_^

I have it putri, but in indonesian ^_^

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