Discourse Analysis

Posted by Pomegranate's on 19.35

  1.        Definition Discourse

  •             The word discourse come from latin language “ discursus ‘ this word refers to the word of the conversation or speech. We can also interpret discourse is an extension of the language (especially oral ) wider than a sentence, or a coherent unit such argument or narration.

  •             According to the dictionary of contemporary language, the word discourse has three meaning. First a conversation; speech. Second both whole conversation as a unity. Third the biggest language unit realization is a form of composition intact.

  •             Discourse is the most complete language unit sentences and grammatical unit are the highest in the hierarchy of grammatical. As a unit of discourse has the most complete language concepts, ideas, thoughts, or ideas that can be understood by the reader and  listener.

           2.   Definition Analysis

  •             Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it. The technique has been applied in the study of mathematics and logic since before Aristotle, though analysis as a formal concept is a relatively recent development.

  •             Conceptual Analysis’ by Robert Hanna the theory of conceptual analysis holds that concepts  general meanings of linguistic predicates are the fundamental objects of philosophical inquiry, and that insights into conceptual contents are expressed in necessary ‘conceptual truths’ (analytic propositions).

  •             Analysis by Merriam-Webster's a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what they do, and how they are related to each other. an explanation of the nature and meaning of something.

            Analysis is science is cutting things into pieces (Walden Mathews).

            A systematice xaminationand evaluation of data or information, by breaking it into its component parts to uncover their interrelationships. An examination of data and facts to uncover and understand cause-effect relationships, thus providing basis for problem solving and decision making.

Have you ever dissected a frog?

 If you did that just to cut it up, you would be guilty of cruelty. One dissects a frog to learn how and why things inside the frog work as they do. Why have two arteries here, not one? Generally, all analysis gets beyond mere description and into examination and explanation.

The same principles apply to essays. Consider these examples, from a hypothetical final exam in the Core class:

Example 1: This quotation comes from Freud's Civilization and its Discontents. Here, Freud implies that man will only be happy when living according to the pleasure principle. The pleasure principle leads people to do or desire things that bring them pleasure. Freud presents a good point here, and he uses many examples throughout the text to support it.

Example 2: This quotation contains a central concept of Freud's psychology: humans are driven by the pleasure principle and are most happy when fulfilling its demands. As Freud notes elsewhere in the text, the ego and superego play the roles of watchdogs, keeping the demands of the pleasure principle in check through the moderating influences of experience (Freud's reality principle) and morality. For Freud, this battle within the personality gets reflected in a society. The society passes laws that limit our freedom, and therefore our happiness, but encourage order and morality. Freud notes that the exchange of happiness for security is, in the end, worthwhile and necessary to maintaining a civilization.

Analysis does not equal description (but can use description). The second example is clearly stronger, since it "gets beneath the surface," going beyond describing ideas to examining the relationship between ideas. The writer is clearly "present" in the second example, showing the reader how Freud makes the leap from individual to society. In the first case, the writer only tells us what Freud says, not how or why Freud drew his conclusions.

Using Analysis

There are many sorts of analysis. The ones given "stay within the text." Another possible analysis might involve applying Freud's ideas to another text or a current issue. Any analysis will consider the data in enough depth, and with enough clarity, to convince the reader, even one who disagrees with the writer's conclusions, that the analysis has been made well.

        3. Discourse Analysis

  •             Discourse analysis is sometimes defined as the analysis of language 'beyond the sentence'. This contrasts with types of analysis more typical of modern linguistics, which are chiefly concerned with the study of grammar: the study of smaller bits of language, such as sounds (phonetics and phonology), parts of words (morphology), meaning (semantics), and the order of words in sentences (syntax). Discourse analysts study larger chunks of language as they flow together.

  •             Discourse is the study of the rules or patterns characterizing units of connected speech or writing longer than a sentence.the study of the rules governing appropriate language use in communicative situations.

  •             Discourse analysis is a new science emerged in recent decades. Previous streams linguistic only restricts his analysis on the social sentence, but lately linguistic then turned his attention on this analysis. So discourse analysis is the study of the structure of a message in a communication or have regarding various function ( pragmatic ) language.

  •             According Zellig Harris a man modern linguistic, discourse analysis is an instance of linguistic applied. Discourse analysis related to the form of text or evalution of discourse to determine the shape or pattern of communication and related matters that can not be explained in grammar.

            Discourse analysis as a discipline that examines the relatioship between from and function in verbal     communation ( Renkema 2004:1 )

  •             Brown and Yule (1983:1)  in his book describes discourse analysis means an analysis of the language used.

  •             Van Dijk (1988:24) in his news as discourse which explain that discourse analysis is an analysis of the language and the use of language with the goal of obtaining a more explicit description and systematic about what is delivered.

  •             Cook ( 1992:1) add that in discourse analysis is not enough just to analyze the element of language, but also take into account the contex of contructive discourse.


            Discourse is the most complete language unit sentences and grammatical unit are the highest in the hierarchy of grammatical. As a unit of discourse has the most complete language concepts, ideas, thoughts, or ideas that can be understood by the reader and  listener. Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it.

            Discourse analysis is a new science emerged in recent decades. Previous streams linguistic only restricts his analysis on the social sentence, but lately linguistic then turned his attention on this analysis. So discourse analysis is the study of the structure of a message in a communication or have regarding various function ( pragmatic ) language.



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