Discursive psychology

Posted by Pomegranate's on 02.12
 Discursive Psychology
Jonathan Potter

Hello dears.

This is an article about one of the few experts Discourse Analysis, and because many branches D.A and lecture us lead us to choose which one we pull for. so, I have read discursive psychology and interest with this one.Before it, let me explain about D.P discursive old psychology (DP) is a form of discourse analysis which focuses on psychological themes in the conversations, text and images. As a counter to the treatment of the discourse of mainstream psychology as a "mirror" for the expression of people's thoughts, intentions, motives, etc., experts from D.P 
Jonathan Potter Jonathan 2009.Jonathan Potter Potter, Sydney Easter 2009.Born June 8, 1956 Academic background Alma Surrey academic work Institutions mater University of Lough borough University The key interest discursive psychology

Jonathan Potter is the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Information, at Rutgers University who is one of the originators of the discursive material PsychologyJonathan Potter was born in Ashford, he grew up in the village of Laughton, East Sussex. He schools in Lewes and lectures in 1974.

John Potter had read the works of John Shotter, Kenneth Gergen and Rom Harre and he likes things about the crisis of social psychology. With this Potter obtain a master's degree in the philosophy of science at the University of Surrey, he discusses the speech act theory and have exposure first to post structuralism and especially the work of Roland Barthes. Potter also read and write bografi of Thomas Kuhn, Paul Feyerabend and Imre Lakatos. At the same time the new sociology opening new scientific knowledge, especially the works of Harry Collins, Michael Mulkay and Steve Woolgar. in 1979, potter memndapat opportunity to work with Harry Collins at the University of Bath and melanjutka school to obtain his PhD. He got a quote from the Thatcher government, but they will pull back. then he began to attend school part-time with Peter Stringer at the same time the university surrey Potter works part time as a tour guide at a hotel. At that time he met with Margaret Wetherell who also were taking a PhD with John Turner.


  • Potter, Jonathan; Wetherell, Margaret; Stringer, Peter (1984). Social texts and context: literature and social psychology.
  • Potter, Jonathan; Wetherell, Margaret (1987). Discourse and social psychology: beyond attitudes and behaviour..
  • Potter, Jonathan; Edwards, Derek (1992). Discursive psychology.
  • Potter, Jonathan (1996). Representing reality discourse, rhetoric and social construction.
  • Potter, Jonathan; Puchta, Claudia (2004). Focus group practice.
  • Potter, Jonathan; te Molder, Hedwig (2005). Conversation and cognition.
  • Potter, Jonathan (2007). Discourse and psychology: Volumes I, II and III.

Journal articles

  • Potter, Jonathan (December 2010). "Contemporary discursive psychology: Issues, prospects, and Corcoran's awkward ontology". 
  • Potter, Jonathan (December 2012). "Arsène didn't see it: Coaching, research and the promise of a discursive psychology: A commentary". International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. Multi-Science Publishing.

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Hello, old girl.. :)
I like your blog.. Simple but elegan. Like your personal, simple but elegan :p
I have a questioon for you old girl :), can you tell briefly what is discursive psychology talk about? And what makes you interest with Jonathan Potter?
Thank you old girl :) :)

Hy putery. I like your blog but it's too long explanation. Could you give an short explanation and the famous theory from Jonathan Potter? Thank you...

Hi edak.. i like your blog and your material. What make discursive psychology interesting to study?. Thank you edak

Hi makwoo.. its so longgg explanation. But i like it cause u explain with specific. So, what is discursive psychology important in our daily life ?

Hai mak uwo.. Can you make someone interested with your write in your blog that no all of people want to read and understand with a what your write. Thanks😀

Hi sista, I am interested with your expert and his research about discursive psychology , I want ask ,How big the influence of this research with psychology. thankyou

Hi makuwo, Good blog but it's too long explanation. I have question for you makuwo, what ralationship Discourse analysis and psychological? Please explain!

haii kak pudell,it's so interested post, the famous Jonathan Potter. what a side of jonathan Potter that can inspired people who follow him ? thanks kak pudel...

Hi old woman, longg explanation but good enough
in Discursive psychology there is conected with psycholinguistics? can you explain?

Grand Ma, Long explanation and make me want to sleep, i want your little explanation, thanks my ugly grandma

Nice material pudel. But please you give me briefly explain about expert? What field your expert master in about?

why Discursive psychology(DP)focuses on talk, text and images?

Hi, Kak Pudel ^_^
I've read the posts that you post. There are things that make me curious. Why are you interested in "Discursive psychology"? Then, why did you choose "Jonathan Potter" as an expert?
Thank you...

Hello.putri delima..
Can you give example paporite book from Mr.jonathan Potter.Please you sharing about it. Thank you....

Hai edak, nice blog😘
Edak, i want to know what is relationship psychological and discourse analysis? And give me explanation with your oun.
Thankyou edak

halooooo makkkk
i really like about your blog and your material makk
and also i have a little question for mak about material.

could you give me simple explanation about psychological and please give me what relation about psychological with pyschoanlysis.

thanks makk g luck mak ya.

haiii batak tua,its long explanation,can you give me example discrusive psyhology.. thx😊

hallo sweet. Discursive psychology is aone of form of DA, wht we discuss in DP is about psychological terms that focused on talk, text and image.
so, I choose this part of DA because, Jonathan potter also discusses about communication term and I interest about that ^_^

hay kenjull, in DP we focuses on human talk, text and image.
Jhon potter have many of book and famaous article, but the first book he write is "social texts and context: literature and social psychology" ^_^

hay ikha. Because on discoursive psychology we talk about human talk , text and images or we discusus about the communication of humat. it is our daily activity right, so this terms is important to us as a student ^_^

hay indah. it is important in our daily life because this terms is about talk, texts and images that is part of our daily activity. Because it's we learn about DP that can help us to know about communication with each other ^_^

oke siti, thanks for your suggest ^_^

hay sister, in psychology we learn about humans it's human life in parts of that there is communication is talk, texts and images that is discused in DP . So, DP have influence in psychology ^_^

Hay refy. yes Discourse analysis is talk about analysis of language beyond the sentence, it has relation with psycoligical because it discuses about human life, in human life we talk about communication. so, DA and psychological have a relathionship ^_^

hay ciput, we can follow John Potter from his story life. He had fall when to cath his dreams, but he never stop it. He has s power of dreams, so we can take and follow his why when to cath his dreams ^_^

hay hay silviaa,of course they have relationship. DP is terms that focuses on talk, texts amd images that is also part of psychologi that talk about human life also himan communication right ^_^

hay dayu, so discursive psycology is a terms that discuses about human talk, text and images as one parts of human communication ^_^

hay wawan. yah Jonathan Potter is experts in Discursive psychology, he get his Phd from this field ^_^

hay, because DP is terms that discuses human life and human activity or communication, and communication is about talk , text and images ^_^

hay riwa, btw I had choose Jhonathan Potter because he had also primary interest in Communication that one of field thay I'm interest to. and in DP also discuses about human connunication there us talk, text and images . so that why I take this article and experts of ^_^

hay kak nuramini, there is many of book and article from Jhon potter you can see it in my blog ^_^

hay ncung, yeah DP have relationship with psychology both of them discuses about human life when Psychology talk about human life and activity , DP discuses about human communication in talk, text and images as parts of human life and activity ^_^

hay ridho is actualy an absurd question. But I would to answer it.
so, psychology is talk about human life and activity, and in DP discuses about human life in communication expsecially in talk, text and images both of them have realtionship ^_^

hay ginak, when we talk, or write something to others is one of communication right, so we can call it as example of discursive psychology ^_^

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