
Posted by Pomegranate's on 05.14
What is ambiguity?
Ambiguity is a word , phrase, or statement which contains more than one meaning. 
There are two types of Ambiguity preface from Kent Bach  ;
1. lexical ambiguity
lexical ambiguity is far the more common problem. Lexical ambiguity occurs when a word, phrase or sentence has more than one basic structure.It is also call as a semantic ambiguity.example, the adjective light ; - not dark or not heavy.
ambiguity also can change the category of speech. 
for example, can (a container of  food – noun vs. to be able to – verb). 
2.Structural ambiguity
Structural ambiguity is the another common problem. it is occurs when a phrase or sentence has more than one underlying structure or it can be represented in two structurally different ways. it is also as a grammatical ambiguity.
 example,"Tibetan history teacher" it can be '[Tibetan history] teacher'
 or it can  'Tibetan [history teacher]'.
another example; visiting professor may be useful.
a.To visit professor is useful , or
b.Professor who visit in university are useful.
Dalam kajian bahasa Indonesia,ada satu perbedaan jenis dari ambigu yaitu;
1.Ambiguitas Fonetik(phonetics ambiguity)
Adalah keambiguan yang terjadi akibat dari kemiripin pembunyian atau pengucapan subuah kata atau kalimat. pada dasarnya hal ini mungkin saja terjadi dalam lexical ambiguity dan structural ambiguity. karena ini dapat terjadi dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
contohnya ; Dia datang memberi tahu.
(a) apakah dia datang memberi tahu{terbuat dari kacang kedelai},

(b) apakah dia datang untuk memberi tahu{informasi}.

kesimpulan :                                                                                                                                   
Jadi ,ambigu adalah kata atau frasa yang memiliki makna ganda atau arti yang lebih dari satu. Ambigu dapat terjadi karena perbedaan cara pengucapan, dan dapat juga terjadi secara kontekstual atau secara tulisan. Untuk menghindari terjadinya situasi yang ambigu ini , sebaiknya menggunakan kata-kata yang jelas konteks maupun tujuannya saat kita berbicara, dalam hal tulisan sebaiknya unsur tanda baca dan peletakannya lebih diperjelas lagi..



Posted by Pomegranate's on 03.37
Denotation, Conotation, and Implication

Denotation is a word's literal meaning.For example, were Juliet to look up the word 'rose' in the dictionary, she would find something like, 'a bush or shrub that produces flowers, usually red, pink, white or yellow in color.' Similarly, street names, like Sistrunk Boulevard or Northeast Sixth Street, tell people where they are and help them get to where they want to go.
Connotation is a word's underlying meanings; it is all the stuff we associate with a word. So, while a rose is indeed a type of flower, we also associate roses with romantic love, beauty and even special days, like Valentine's Day or anniversaries. Connotations go beyond the literal to what we think and feel when we hear or see a word.
·    a possible future effect or result.
·    something that is suggested without being said directly : something that is      implied

·    the fact or state of being involved in or connected to something (such as a crime) : the fact or state of being implicated in something.


Posted by Pomegranate's on 22.38
A euphemism /ˈjufəˌmɪzəm/ is a generally innocuous word or expression used in place of one that may be found offensive or suggest something unpleasant.[1] Some euphemisms are intended to amuse; while others use bland, inoffensive terms for things the user wishes to downplay. Euphemisms are used to refer to taboo topics (such as disability, sex, excretion, and death) in a polite way, or to mask profanity.[2]
A euphemism is a polite expression used in place of words or phrases that otherwise might be considered harsh or unpleasant to hear. Euphemisms are used regularly, and there are many examples in every day language.

To Soften an Expression

Some euphemisms are used in order to make a blunt or unpleasant truth seem less harsh.
Examples of euphemisms that fall into this category include:
  • Departed instead of died
  • Differently-abled instead of handicapped or disabled
  • Fell off the back of a truck instead of stolen
  • Ethnic cleansing instead of genocide
  • Turn a trick instead of engage in prostitution
  • Negative patient outcome instead of dead
  • Relocation center instead of prison camp
  • Letting someone go instead of firing someone
  • Put to sleep instead of euthanize
  • Pregnancy termination instead of abortion
  • On the streets instead of homeless

To Be Polite

Other euphemisms are used to take the place of words or phrases you might not want to say in polite company.
Examples of euphemisms that fall into this category include:
  • Portly instead of heavy or overweight
  • Chronologically-challenged instead of late
  • Comfort woman instead of prostitute
  • Use the rest room instead of go to the bathroom
  • Break wind instead of pass gas
  • Economical with the truth instead of liar
  • Powder your nose instead of use the rest room
  • Between jobs instead of unemployed

Euphemisms to be Impolite

In some cases, euphemisms are intentionally a grosser or less pleasant way of saying something. These are usually used when people are being sarcastic or trying to make light of a serious subject or make it seem less serious.
Examples include:
  • Bit the big one instead of died
  • Bit the farm instead of died
  • Cement shoes instead of dead
  • Bit the dust instead of died
  • Croaked instead of dead
  • Kick the bucket instead of died 
So, eupemisms is like using word or expresion of something with a polite sentence.


Motivasi Hidup saya, Ora Et Labora

Posted by Pomegranate's on 22.10

 Ora et labora, adalah sebuah kalimat dalam bahasa Latin, yang artinya adalah: "Berdoalah dan bekerja." Kalimat ini maksudnya ialah supaya seseorang tidak hanya meminta tetapi juga berusaha.
karena kita hidup harus memiliki tujuan , namun sering kali kita melupakan tujuan hidup kita tersebut karena masalah-masalah berat dan tekanan yang kita alami. saya memilih untuk memegang kata-kata Ora Et Labora tersebut untuk menjadi penyemangat dan pegangan saya dalam menjalankan apa tujuan dan cita-cita saya. our life be more greatfull when we know how to treat our self.

My name is Putry delima purba, why I write this , it is because it my project for semantics class.And I thanks to my lecture Mr.budi hamudin who has give a usefull project that has give us a something new in class activity. just it that I can told, if you have something that you wanna ask. please send massage to me. -___-

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