Discursive psychology

Posted by Pomegranate's on 02.12
 Discursive Psychology
Jonathan Potter

Hello dears.

This is an article about one of the few experts Discourse Analysis, and because many branches D.A and lecture us lead us to choose which one we pull for. so, I have read discursive psychology and interest with this one.Before it, let me explain about D.P discursive old psychology (DP) is a form of discourse analysis which focuses on psychological themes in the conversations, text and images. As a counter to the treatment of the discourse of mainstream psychology as a "mirror" for the expression of people's thoughts, intentions, motives, etc., experts from D.P 
Jonathan Potter Jonathan 2009.Jonathan Potter Potter, Sydney Easter 2009.Born June 8, 1956 Academic background Alma Surrey academic work Institutions mater University of Lough borough University The key interest discursive psychology

Jonathan Potter is the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Information, at Rutgers University who is one of the originators of the discursive material PsychologyJonathan Potter was born in Ashford, he grew up in the village of Laughton, East Sussex. He schools in Lewes and lectures in 1974.

John Potter had read the works of John Shotter, Kenneth Gergen and Rom Harre and he likes things about the crisis of social psychology. With this Potter obtain a master's degree in the philosophy of science at the University of Surrey, he discusses the speech act theory and have exposure first to post structuralism and especially the work of Roland Barthes. Potter also read and write bografi of Thomas Kuhn, Paul Feyerabend and Imre Lakatos. At the same time the new sociology opening new scientific knowledge, especially the works of Harry Collins, Michael Mulkay and Steve Woolgar. in 1979, potter memndapat opportunity to work with Harry Collins at the University of Bath and melanjutka school to obtain his PhD. He got a quote from the Thatcher government, but they will pull back. then he began to attend school part-time with Peter Stringer at the same time the university surrey Potter works part time as a tour guide at a hotel. At that time he met with Margaret Wetherell who also were taking a PhD with John Turner.


  • Potter, Jonathan; Wetherell, Margaret; Stringer, Peter (1984). Social texts and context: literature and social psychology.
  • Potter, Jonathan; Wetherell, Margaret (1987). Discourse and social psychology: beyond attitudes and behaviour..
  • Potter, Jonathan; Edwards, Derek (1992). Discursive psychology.
  • Potter, Jonathan (1996). Representing reality discourse, rhetoric and social construction.
  • Potter, Jonathan; Puchta, Claudia (2004). Focus group practice.
  • Potter, Jonathan; te Molder, Hedwig (2005). Conversation and cognition.
  • Potter, Jonathan (2007). Discourse and psychology: Volumes I, II and III.

Journal articles

  • Potter, Jonathan (December 2010). "Contemporary discursive psychology: Issues, prospects, and Corcoran's awkward ontology". 
  • Potter, Jonathan (December 2012). "Arsène didn't see it: Coaching, research and the promise of a discursive psychology: A commentary". International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. Multi-Science Publishing.

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Discourse Analysis

Posted by Pomegranate's on 19.35

  1.        Definition Discourse

  •             The word discourse come from latin language “ discursus ‘ this word refers to the word of the conversation or speech. We can also interpret discourse is an extension of the language (especially oral ) wider than a sentence, or a coherent unit such argument or narration.

  •             According to the dictionary of contemporary language, the word discourse has three meaning. First a conversation; speech. Second both whole conversation as a unity. Third the biggest language unit realization is a form of composition intact.

  •             Discourse is the most complete language unit sentences and grammatical unit are the highest in the hierarchy of grammatical. As a unit of discourse has the most complete language concepts, ideas, thoughts, or ideas that can be understood by the reader and  listener.

           2.   Definition Analysis

  •             Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it. The technique has been applied in the study of mathematics and logic since before Aristotle, though analysis as a formal concept is a relatively recent development.

  •             Conceptual Analysis’ by Robert Hanna the theory of conceptual analysis holds that concepts  general meanings of linguistic predicates are the fundamental objects of philosophical inquiry, and that insights into conceptual contents are expressed in necessary ‘conceptual truths’ (analytic propositions).

  •             Analysis by Merriam-Webster's a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what they do, and how they are related to each other. an explanation of the nature and meaning of something.

            Analysis is science is cutting things into pieces (Walden Mathews).

            A systematice xaminationand evaluation of data or information, by breaking it into its component parts to uncover their interrelationships. An examination of data and facts to uncover and understand cause-effect relationships, thus providing basis for problem solving and decision making.

Have you ever dissected a frog?

 If you did that just to cut it up, you would be guilty of cruelty. One dissects a frog to learn how and why things inside the frog work as they do. Why have two arteries here, not one? Generally, all analysis gets beyond mere description and into examination and explanation.

The same principles apply to essays. Consider these examples, from a hypothetical final exam in the Core class:

Example 1: This quotation comes from Freud's Civilization and its Discontents. Here, Freud implies that man will only be happy when living according to the pleasure principle. The pleasure principle leads people to do or desire things that bring them pleasure. Freud presents a good point here, and he uses many examples throughout the text to support it.

Example 2: This quotation contains a central concept of Freud's psychology: humans are driven by the pleasure principle and are most happy when fulfilling its demands. As Freud notes elsewhere in the text, the ego and superego play the roles of watchdogs, keeping the demands of the pleasure principle in check through the moderating influences of experience (Freud's reality principle) and morality. For Freud, this battle within the personality gets reflected in a society. The society passes laws that limit our freedom, and therefore our happiness, but encourage order and morality. Freud notes that the exchange of happiness for security is, in the end, worthwhile and necessary to maintaining a civilization.

Analysis does not equal description (but can use description). The second example is clearly stronger, since it "gets beneath the surface," going beyond describing ideas to examining the relationship between ideas. The writer is clearly "present" in the second example, showing the reader how Freud makes the leap from individual to society. In the first case, the writer only tells us what Freud says, not how or why Freud drew his conclusions.

Using Analysis

There are many sorts of analysis. The ones given "stay within the text." Another possible analysis might involve applying Freud's ideas to another text or a current issue. Any analysis will consider the data in enough depth, and with enough clarity, to convince the reader, even one who disagrees with the writer's conclusions, that the analysis has been made well.

        3. Discourse Analysis

  •             Discourse analysis is sometimes defined as the analysis of language 'beyond the sentence'. This contrasts with types of analysis more typical of modern linguistics, which are chiefly concerned with the study of grammar: the study of smaller bits of language, such as sounds (phonetics and phonology), parts of words (morphology), meaning (semantics), and the order of words in sentences (syntax). Discourse analysts study larger chunks of language as they flow together.

  •             Discourse is the study of the rules or patterns characterizing units of connected speech or writing longer than a sentence.the study of the rules governing appropriate language use in communicative situations.

  •             Discourse analysis is a new science emerged in recent decades. Previous streams linguistic only restricts his analysis on the social sentence, but lately linguistic then turned his attention on this analysis. So discourse analysis is the study of the structure of a message in a communication or have regarding various function ( pragmatic ) language.

  •             According Zellig Harris a man modern linguistic, discourse analysis is an instance of linguistic applied. Discourse analysis related to the form of text or evalution of discourse to determine the shape or pattern of communication and related matters that can not be explained in grammar.

            Discourse analysis as a discipline that examines the relatioship between from and function in verbal     communation ( Renkema 2004:1 )

  •             Brown and Yule (1983:1)  in his book describes discourse analysis means an analysis of the language used.

  •             Van Dijk (1988:24) in his news as discourse which explain that discourse analysis is an analysis of the language and the use of language with the goal of obtaining a more explicit description and systematic about what is delivered.

  •             Cook ( 1992:1) add that in discourse analysis is not enough just to analyze the element of language, but also take into account the contex of contructive discourse.


            Discourse is the most complete language unit sentences and grammatical unit are the highest in the hierarchy of grammatical. As a unit of discourse has the most complete language concepts, ideas, thoughts, or ideas that can be understood by the reader and  listener. Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it.

            Discourse analysis is a new science emerged in recent decades. Previous streams linguistic only restricts his analysis on the social sentence, but lately linguistic then turned his attention on this analysis. So discourse analysis is the study of the structure of a message in a communication or have regarding various function ( pragmatic ) language.



comment on blog

Posted by Pomegranate's on 22.50


Semantic Final Project

Posted by Pomegranate's on 00.31


need analisys to english for economic

Posted by Pomegranate's on 04.15

Submitted as One of Assignments of English  Specific Purposes Course
 Analysis for faculty of Economic in Lancing Kuning University

Lecturer : Indah Muzdalifah Sukirman, M.Pd




“Analysis English Pattern For Economic Major

By : Putry Delima Purba(1488203035)

JUNE 2016


English for Economic
Dialogue Economic English programmer are designed to provide you with the key skills, tools and terminology to operate in an international economic environment. Whether you need assistance with writing economic reports in English or need to expand your knowledge of economic language, Dialogue and its team of specialist Economic English trainers are uniquely placed to assist you.
Economic English Focus :
The focus of the Economic English Course is on the use and development of English language skills in an economic context, which will include lectures, presentations, discussions, problem solving, and writing on technical topics.
Bring please any documents, manuals, books, or material used by your company or industry so that we may custom-tailor English vocabulary to your specific needs.
Economic English Topics available include :
Macroeconomics. Economic  methodology. The economizing problem. Supply and demand.National income accounting.Income determination.Inflation.Money.
By the end of the course you will be able to :
- listen to presentations within the domain of economics and business administration.
- give a presentation on a topic related to business economics in English.
-  read and interpret special  business economic texts. 
- write an executive summary or short report in English

Different Economic System
Not all economic system is the same. The aconomic system of the USA differs greatly from the system of the USSR. The American system is based on private enterprise with private ownership of the means of production, while Russian system in communistic and is based upon the principle of Karl Max, the 19th century political economist. The economic idiologies of these two nations contrast very strongly.  Britain is similiar to the USA. It has an economic system based on private enterprise and private supplies of capital, which can be defined as surplusincome available for investment in new bussines activities. Property in both the US and Britain can be owned by individual citizens exercise considerable economic freedomS of choice. They can choose what they want to do and how they want to earn their living.
1.      Word formation
Example :
Invest + ment = Investment
Manage + ment = management
Judge + ment=  judgement
Verb + ment = noun

Economy + ic = economic
Communist + ic = communistic
System + ic = systematic
Noun + ic = adjective

Produce + ion = production
Satisfy + ion = satisfaction
Organize + ion = organization
Verb + ion = noun

Person + al = personal
Nation + al = national
Nature + al = natural
Noun + al = adjective

Possible + ty = possibility
Certain + ty = certainty
Prior + ty = priority
Adjective + ty = noun

Mix + ure = mixture
Fail + ure = failure
Verb + ure = noun

Fill the blank with the provided words !
Investment                  Economic                    Production
Organization               National                      Priority
Mixture                       Personal                       scientific

1.      In business, ____ calculation is needed to get profit.
2.      To get good economic growth, we need ___ from some well-established companies.
3.      Tourism is one of ___ programs to get income from investore.
4.      Communistic system does not recognize___belonging of any individual.
5.      Besides marketing,stable ___of the good is also important tp guarantee the supply.
6.      Latest__investions play important role to increase production.
7.      Different country may apply different ___system.
8.      An ___ requires professional person to runs its programs well.
9.      Sometimes, a country may adopt a___ of different economic and political systems.
10.  To get the works done well, we have to do the works based on ___.

2.      Parallel structure
One use of a conjunction is to connect words or phrases that have the same grammatical function in a sentence. This use of conjunction is called parallel structure. The conjunction used in this pattern are and, but, or, nor.

a.       Steve and his friends are coming for dinner
in (a) : noun + and  + noun
b.      Susan raised her hand, and snapped her finger
In (b) : verb + and + verb
c.       He is waving his arms, and (is) shouting at us.
In ( c) : verb + and +verb
(the second auxiliary may be omitted if id is the same as the first auxiliary)
d.      These shoes are old but  comfortable.
In (d) : adjective + but  + adjective
e.       He wants to watch TV or (to) listen to music
In (e) : infinitive + or + infinitive
(the second to may be omitted)
f.       Steve, Joe  and  Alice are coming to dinner
g.      Susan raised her hand , snapped her finger and asked a question
h.      The colors in that fabric are red, gold, black and green

A parallel structure may contain more than two parts. In a series, commas are used to separate each unit. The final comma that precedes the conjunction is optimal but is customarily used.(no comma is used when there are only two parts to a parallel structure)

1.      He does some business in France, Canada and England
2.      In order to understand economics, we have to read, discuss and do economic activities.
3.      Selling, buying and negotiating are basic economic activities
4.      He presented, promoted and conducted his program so well.

            Country , Language and Nationality
Country                       Language                    Nationality
Indonesia                    Indonesian                  Indonesian
America                       English                        American
Malaysia                      Malay                          Malaysian
Canada                        French                         Canadian
Italy                             Italian                          Italian
India                            Indian                          Indian
Egypt                          Arabic                         Egyptian
Germany                     German                       German
Sweden                       Swedish                      Swedish
Finland                        Finnish                        Finnish
Poland                         Polish                          Polish
Spain                           Spanish                        Spanish

Adjectives ending in – an ( the most common type)
Algeria            Algerian
America           American
Russia              Russian
Italy                 Italian

Adjectives ending – an ( the most common type)
Korea              Korean
Brazil               Brazilian
Belgium           Belgian
Canada            Canadian

Adjectives ending in- ese
Japan               Japanese
China               Chinese
Portugal           Portuguese

Adjectives ending in –ish
Britain             British
Finland            Finnish
Poland             Polish
Turkey             Turkish

Adjectives ending in- i
Pakistan           Pakistani
Saudi Arabia   Saudi

Mention what nationaly are the people bellow! Unscremble the letters as in 1 and 2.
1.      Mr and Mrs. Cobb are from WEN EAZANDL ( NEW ZEALAND).
2.      Professor Nadu is NDINA (INDIAN).
3.      Dr. Alemao is RTUGSEEOUP(______)
4.      Miss. Samson is from THE SUA(______)
5.      Mr. Olsen is from MARKDEN(_______)


     The lecturer given to students in the class exercise after the lecturer finishedexplanation about topic word formation and parallel structure .


1.      He is british. He comes from….
2.      She is Italian. She lives in…
3.      He comes from Sweden. He is…
4.      They are Dutch. They come from …
5.      He was born in China. He is …
6.      We come from Greece. We are …
7.      He is German. He comes  from ..
8.      He is Danish. He comes from …
9.      Mr. and Mrs. Carter come from the USA. They are…
10.  She is Swiss. She comes  from ..
11.  He is polish. He was born in …
12.  My girlfriend is …. She was born in Farance.
13.  He comes from  India. He is …
14.  They come from Norway. They are …
15.  He was born in Russia. He is …
16.  She Spanish. She comes from ….

3.      Tenses

1.      Simple present tense                                       all tenses in economic same the  tenses in
2.      Simple past tense                                            in English general.
3.      Present Continous tense
4.      Past continous tense
5.      Future tense
6.      Present perfect
7.      Past perfect

1.      AS … AS
a.       Tina is 21 years old, Sam is also 21
Tina is as old as Sam.
b.      Mike came as quickly as he could
As … as is used to say that the two parts of a comparison are equal or the same in some way. In (a) :as + adjective + as
In (b) :as + adverb + as
·         Anne is older than Bobby
·         Anne and Bobby are older than  Charles and Doddy
·         Ed is  more bgenerous than his brother
The  comparative compares this/these/those.Form : - er or more
NOTICE : A comparative is followed by than
·         A, B, C, and D are sisters. A is the the oldest all four sisters.
·         A women in Turkey claims to be the oldest person in the world.
·         Ed is the most generous person in his family.
·         The superlative compares one parts of a whole group to all the rest of the group form :estor most.
·         NOTICE : A superlative begins with the


One-syllable adjective
Old      older    the oldest
Wise    wiser    the wisest
For one-syllable adjectives, -erand – estare added
Two-syllable adjective
Famous            more famous   the most famous
Polite               more polite      the most famous
Busy                busies              the busiest
Pretty              prettier             the prettiest

Adjective with three or more syllable
            Important        more important            the most important
            Fascinating      more Fascinating         the most Fascinating
            More and most are used with long adjectives.
            Irregular adjective
-          Good   better   the best
-          Bad     worse   the worst
Good and bad have irregular comparative and superlative forms.

The Analysis ;

From the content of the modul that used in Faculty of Economic, University of
Lancang Kuning. The content of the modul had discribe all materials of what the lecture will explain. English in economics module discusses the grammer structure of  language were economic in particular. Started from the basic economic , the vocabularry that used, and also the term language are usualy the economic people used. But overall after I had leran about English for spesific purpose, for my analysist this module is not really good be a term material to teach in University. The vocabularry is too general for Economic major. Example :-Management,- Economic ,-Production .I think that words is so familiar for all people. The content of  the module just had a litlle materials for Economic languages. Content about language as a basic for ESP uses such as ; Speech Acts, Sosial Interaction, and Word used for discipline-spesific meanings is not included in this module.

Technical term In Economic English there are :
Kata Kerja (Bhs Inggris)
Kata Kerja (Bhs Indonesia)
overhead sesungguhnya
Allowance for inventory decline to market
Pendapatan audit
Metode rata-rata
Saldomenurut bank

The analysis of the termword :
There is a part of the term word ar sentences in Economic language. That is specific used by people on Economic major , used in their special areas. For the spesicif major like in Economic is better good if they or the lecture used spesicif and related words, sentence, or language that can more support them when studied on their ways.  Like the example of  Basic Financial statement ( laporan keuangan pokok) that is just used by economic people. Word Investment, management, and judgment we often hear in the economic. English in this economic is interonnected, but the above example was made of how the incorporation of the words become a word intact so as to produce words related to the economic.


On this module task of English language in Faculty Economic, Lancang Kuning, had explain about the language ofenglish for the economic major. As we know that English language is a International language that deagree to used by people in this worl. Using of language, vocabulary, material teaching, and exercise had used in Economic Faculty. For spesicif major used language is really have to be spesicifly. Because people have to learn specificly about their major,that they have used in their future in their specific area.
If we look at this module, we can see that this not really specific to used in Economic people. I can say that this module and the material that explain is too general and be like school standard. We can learn on about this module without have to followed study in University.
For those, I recomended if we want make a module, sylabus, or the others tools when we are want to teaching, we have to learn before the situation of what thing that we want to teach. Is it a school or in University or the others . so we can teach with really good ways , not to be unsefull as a teacher, lecture and also we have to have really good preperation material to teach that is agree with the major above.


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